The church office is open Tuesday – Friday 9:00am – 4:00pm. Closed Monday. Email and phone numbers: 847-439-0950. If you reach voicemail, know that someone will return your call within 24 business day hours. For pastoral care emergencies, please call 847-439-0950.
Here are some of the more Frequently Asked Questions visitors have about Trinity United Methodist Church:
What is your worship service like?
The Sunday 10:30 a.m. Service is the regular Sanctuary service, with a full music ministry including choir, bell choir, children’s choir, children’s band, youth choir, and other special music (not all at one time ). The service is also blended with traditional offerings and hymns.
What goes on before and after the services?
Before and following the services, please join us for refreshments and fellowship. That’s when we share what’s been going on in our lives and just enjoy each others’ company. It’s an ideal time to learn more about Trinity church. We’d love to give you some helpful information at our ‘Welcome’ center and answer your questions. After the service the pastor will be in the narthex to greet you.
Why sign the attendance sheet?
The roster helps us keep track of our Trinity family attendance, as well as visitors and newcomers who might be interested in coming back. We would appreciate you giving an address and phone number, but that is up to you. This is one of the many ways helping us be connected with members, visitors and friends in the community.
When is communion?
The first Sunday of each month is Communion Sunday
Who can participate in communion?
Everyone who wishes to take communion is welcome to participate. The communion is non-alcoholic.
What is the dress code?
Wear whatever you please. Some people like to dress up; others don’t. We welcome those in suits and those in jeans.
Children’s participation and activities
May my children stay in the sanctuary during the service? You and your children should do whatever makes you most comfortable. Usually, children attend the beginning portions of the service. In fact, they are invited (but not required) to come to the front of the sanctuary for “Children’s Time,” a mini sermon especially for them. Afterward if children are uneasy about leaving their parents or prefer to listen to the sermon, they are welcome to stay.
What if my child is restless?
If you wish, you may take your child to our state-of-the-art nursery. If you wish to care for your child yourself, the Fireside Room is a convenient place to take a restless child during the service. The sanctuary can be seen through the windows of the Narthex and the worship service can be heard.
What if my child is too young to be present for the entire service?
Feel free to leave your child in the nursery.
Our infant nursery is staffed by an adult care giver beginning at 8:00 a.m. This nursery has a carpeted floor. It is equipped with cribs and a changing table. We also have selected age- appropriate toys.
Our toddler nursery normally is staffed with a paid staff person and a number of volunteers who are experienced in caring for the needs of youngsters. Please let us know of any special needs for your child. We can make other arrangements.
Sunday School
When is Sunday School?
A cornerstone of Trinity Church is our education and growth ministry, including a wide range of Sunday School offerings. Classes represent all ages and stations of life, with members meeting together for fellowship, support, and study. Our pastors and teachers work hard to ensure this opportunity for spiritual growth becomes personal and available to every individual.
Sunday School for Middle School, High School and Adults starts at 9:15 AM (September through May).
Sunday School for Elementary and Preschool is held at 10:45 a.m. during the 10:30 a.m. worship service. This latter group of children takes part in the beginning of the worship service. They are released to Sunday School at the end of the “Children’s Time” portion of the worship service.
For more information about the wide variety of Sunday School and other educational classes offered including meeting times and locations, please select and click on the ‘Education’ page from the left column.
What youth activities do you have?
There are several active youth groups. We have groups that serve 3rd, 4th and 5th grades, Junior High, and High School age students. Details on these groups can be obtained by contacting our church office or by clicking on our Youth Page.
The Church Facility
Getting in and around the building: what entrance should I use? The door on the north side (to the right as you face the church from the parking lot) is the main entrance. Some people prefer this entrance as it gives them more of a feeling of entering a house of worship. The door on the south side (to the left as you face the church from the parking lot) leads into the church office area, then to the main gathering area (Narthex). Some people prefer this route; it is closer to the parking lot.
Where are the rest rooms?
The rest rooms and the water fountain are to your left coming in the main entrance.
Where is the nursery?
Take a left at the end of the Narthex. There are three nursery rooms (toddlers, crawlers, and infants) just a few steps away from where persons are in worship.
Who else uses the church?
The Chicago Brass Choir practices in our building Mondays at 7 PM. We have been blessed to have them perform music programs in our Sanctuary. Also at Trinity there are Alcoholics Anonymous groups, Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts, a homeless shelter, a preschool and numerous community meetings.
Keeping up with what’s going on
How do I find out about what’s happening at Trinity? Upcoming events are announced before each worship service begins and are described on the back of your bulletin.
Please pick up a copy of “Tidings,” our bi-monthly newsletter at our ‘Welcome’ center in the Narthex.. Current issues are also on the tables in the Narthex along with the current Daily Devotional Guide, “The Upper Room.” You are welcome to pick up other informative materials including copies of the pastor’s previous sermons.
The bulletin board to the right of the sanctuary entrance lists events coming up for the week. In the main hallway leading to the church office are several bulletin boards with news and notices about community events and opportunities.
How do I get started with groups in the church?
We’ll be happy to share with you information about the various groups and when they meet. Everybody is welcome to the meetings of any committee and is invited to participate. Our Church Council usually meets every other month (or announced if at another time). Your attendance would be welcomed.
What about social events?
Events are announced in the worship service bulletin, in the “Tidings” newsletter, as well as on this web site under “Calendar of Events”
May I help out as a Sunday usher or greeter?
We are delighted to have everybody help with these responsibilities. If you want to know more about how to do what, ask anyone after the service. The following is a list of possible opportunities to serve:
Sunday Morning Service
How do I become a member?
New Members are received monthly. Pastor Sam would be happy to discuss moving your membership from another congregation, or you may become a member by affirming your faith in Christ.
What if I’m not a United Methodist?
Many of our members (around 50%) come from non-United Methodist backgrounds. Trinity welcomes people form all faith traditions and helps them find a loving, growing relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
We are planning a wedding. How can we learn about the church arrangements?
We consider it an honor to help in the planning of a wedding. We do ask interested couples to do three things: 1) Meet with the pastor at least three times prior to the rehearsal 2) Take an active role in planning your wedding service so that it is truly your service, not a “pre-packaged” or mechanical experience 3) Be open to the Christian faith, so that you can answer for yourselves the question: “How can our marriage be spiritually strong, grounded in an ongoing relationship with God?”
How do we reserve a wedding date?
Please call Pastor Sam to inquire about available dates. Wedding services are placed on the church calendar when we receive 1) a completed Wedding Date Reservation Sheet and 2) a reservation deposit of $50.
It is not the policy of the church to not look upon weddings as a source of revenue; however, there are costs connected with a wedding which are covered in part by wedding fees. In cases of financial hardship, the fees may be reduced. Please note that the balance, payable to Trinity Church, is due no later than the rehearsal.
How can we get further information about planning a wedding at Trinity Church?
Many engaged couples find our “Wedding Guidelines” booklet very helpful. It includes a listing of wedding options, possible scripture selections for the service, ideas for wedding vows plus specific information regarding music, wedding bulletins, decorations and more. Simply contact our church office at (847) 439-0950. We will be glad to provide this informative booklet at no charge.
We’d like to arrange for a baptism. Are there any guidelines?
Baptism is a sacrament (a visible sign of God’s unfailing love) rather than a “christening” or a ceremony in which a person is given a name. Baptisim is observed during Sunday morning worship unless there are extreme mitigating circumstances. God’s grace is given to the child through the church community, not merely the parents, and the whole congregation joins in making the baptismal vows.
May any child be baptized?
Yes, if….
- At least one parent, guardian or relative is willing to assume the responsibility for the child’s spiritual development and is an active member of Trinity Church.
- The parent or appropriate person has consulted with the pastor prior to the baptism.
- The baptism is scheduled well in advance on a date compatible with the church’s calendar.
What about having sponsors?
Parents are welcome to enlist sponsors (godparents) who will assist them in raising their child as a member of Christ’s church. If possible, sponsors should be present at the baptism, so that they can be included in the service.
It is vital for any family’s spiritual growth that parents and children actively particpate in the ministries of the church, including ministries with children:
- Nursery, Sunday School, Music Programs, Youth & Family Events, Vacation Bible School, etc. We encourage all parents to find a meaningful, enjoyable place to serve.
Other Things it Might help to Know
How do I get in touch with the Pastor?
You can call the Trinity Church at (847) 439-0950. If Pastor Sam is not in, you may leave a voice message. If the matter is not urgent you may send an e-mail message to and your message will be forwarded to the pastor.
What if I have a Prayer Request?
Those requesting prayer through TUMC attendance slips or from prayer request forms are added to an updated prayer concern list. You may also call the church office at (847) 439-0950 to be added to the prayer list.
These concerns and/or praises are then posted on the church office bulletin board and sent by e-mail to those who use their daily prayer time in consideration of these requests.
What if I need a hospital visit?
Though hospital privacy rules have been around for a few years, recent policy decisions mean hospitals will no longer make the names of church members available to clergy as they once did. Upon your admittance to any hospital, it is important to make sure that you ask the hospital to notify our church office or leave a voice mail message. We want to visit with you and provide spiritual care along with the medical care you receive.
What’s the food basket for?
Anyone may bring canned foods and shelf stable items and leave them in the Red Wagon in our Narthex. Our Missions Committee takes the wagon contents to area food pantries.
What if I have other questions?
Please let us know by phoning one of the pastors or our church administrative assistant Lise at (847) 439-0950, or send us an e-mail at officeadmin@trinitymp. We want to help you and are glad for the opportunity to provide you with answers to your questions.