Trinity’s Mission Moment for April is PADS.
Through the years, our service to the homeless has changed, but not our commitment. We spent 30 years housing homeless guests at Trinity. We closed our doors in the spring with the arrival of Covid 19. During Covid, Journey’s provided shelter to the homeless in area hotels. Trinity supported this Hotel program through monetary donations and by providing food twice a month for the Hotel guests. Last summer, we provided a meal once a month in Fellowship Hall for the homeless and hungry.
Journeys has constructed a new building that can now house the homeless overnight in the Interim Housing program, as well as provide apartments for guests working towards independence. We will serve our first meal to the Interim Housing Guests on Friday, April 19. The shift is from 5:45 -8:30 pm at Journeys 1140 E. Northwest Highway in Palatine.
To volunteer your time or food prep, please contact Kathy Moulds for coordination at 847.404.9123. There is a need for 2 pans of veggies each to serve 20 people, salad for 40 and 4 dozen rolls, and a cake for 20.
Then, starting in May, we will again offer Summer Suppers to the homeless and hungry here at Trinity. Last year was our first year with Summer Suppers with our surrounding community, and we were able to feed many. We hope you will join us this year as we answer Jesus’s call to “Feed my Sheep”.