Well, friends, it’s been quite a summer for your faithful Trinity Building Trustees! Your Trustees are hard at work getting estimates for a completely new AC system for the sanctuary. It turns out that it just did not make prudent financial sense to do yet another “bandaid” fix. We were obviously not prepared for the entire system to quit on us, but that is exactly what happened, back in mid-July. You’ll be hearing more about next steps, but we wanted to give you a brief update. Thanks to those of you who’ve joined us for worship in the sanctuary, where we have certainly had more than our fair share of HOT Sundays! Meanwhile, say a special thank you to our faithful Trustees. A few are pictured here, taking a tour of the AC system as we make plans for the future!
Church Announcements
Gardening Volunteers Needed
To save on expenses, most of the gardening at Trinity is done by volunteers. This year, we will have sporadic work days (weather permitting – not raining and not too hot or cold). Notices will be sent out a couple days before, and if you are available, we would love to have you join us. If you want to receive emails about these upcoming work days, contact Lois Spillar. You don’t need to know much about plants to help out!
Altar Flower Signup for 2021
We have something new! Now you can go to our website and reserve a date for altar flowers. Or, you can still call the church office to reserve a date on the altar flower calendar in celebration, memory, honor of someone/event – or anything you’d like to recognize! ($25 payable online under “Flowers”, or you can mail in/drop off in mailbox).
Love Your Neighbor
Have you watched someone who was helpful or generous lately? Maybe you “committed a random act of kindness” during covid. We’d love to hear about it! Sharing a short story that may seem small to us can spread hope and inspire others in big ways. Please contact Jacki Bogolia or email: LoveYourNeighbor@trinitymp.org.
The village of Mount Prospect Human Services staff receive calls from seniors and persons with disabilities looking for one-time assistance that the village cannot provide. Some examples are moving an item from inside their home to the curb for garbage pickup, rolling out garbage/recycling bins, then returning them to the home each week, pulling weeds, etc. If you are available to love your neighbor in safe, simple ways, please contact Jacki Bogolia or reach out to vthomas@mountprospect.org.