Church Announcements
We Are Trinity
Newcomers–Next Step Lunch and Learn
If you are new to Trinity, and want to learn more about who we are.
If you’ve been to a newcomers’ lunch but are ready to take the next step of membership/discipleship … Join Pastor Wendy and other leaders after worship on Sunday October 15, in Trinity Hall! Childcare will be provided.
Scrapbooking Group Formed
“Come to our first Trinity scrapbooking meeting! September 30th at 9 a.m. – ?? Bring your printed pictures and your supplies / tools or your computer. Hope to see you there! Any questions, contact Ann Golding or Sylvia Haas (or call the office for info – 847-439-0950).
Additional hours to Saturday! You’re invited to join us tonight from 5 – 9 pm as well