Thank you to everyone who collected food items in December. One load of food was delivered to the Mt. Prospect food pantry on December 8th and another 100+ items were delivered on January 3rd. Food is needed all year long, so keep bringing nonperishable food to church and put them in the blue bin in the narthex.
Packages for Patriots
Trinity so generously gave items to put into boxes donated by Barbara Nicpon and shipped 113 12×12 boxes for the month of December! There were 1,700 pounds of donations, and $1,497 in donations was collected for postage. Current need: 2023 calendars. Collection basket is under the sign up table in the narthex.
Altar Flowers 2023
New calendar for altar flower sign-ups is available in the narthex. Note the price increase to $30. Payments can be made by check or online under the Give Tab.
Local Food Pantries in need of food donations
With up coming holidays fast approaching, our local food pantries are in need of food donations. If you can help, Trinity has a blue bin in the narthex under the table with our name tags. Bring a couple of things and put them in the bin. Some of the food items needed are:
- Canned Beef Stew, Chicken & Dumplings, SPAM, etc., Green Beans, Canned Tuna, Meats & Chicken, Hamburger Helper, Canned Fruit & Fruit Cups, Instant Mashed Potatoes, Canned Ravioli, Spaghetti, Jam & Jelly, Canned soup, Jell-O (Regular or Sugar Free), Canned Vegetables, Juice or Juice Boxes, Cereal, Peanut Butter, Coffee/Tea/Cocoa, Pudding & Pudding Cups, Cookies, Stuffing Mix, Crackers, Bags of Rice, Dried Beans, and Cooking Oil.
- Other needed things are: Paper Towels & Toilet Paper, Baby Diapers (All Sizes), Detergent, and Dish soap.