During worship on May 22, we’ll honor Trinity’s own 8th grade, high school and college graduates. We especially invite families and graduates to be present for in person worship that day, and a reception afterwards. In addition, we welcome the chance for grandparents/aunts/uncles to offer names of their graduates – we’ll print these in the bulletin that day. Please email officeadmin@trinitymp.org with your graduate’s name, school they are graduating from, and degree (for college).
College Care Packages
College Care Packages were prepared and packed last Sunday – thank you to Pat and Kathie Kearns and Sylvia Haas for heading this project up!
Trinity is working to bless our Trinity college students with care packages in early April to give them a boost for their last few weeks of the semester. We are hoping to pack about 13 packages to mail on or about April 10. If you wish to make a small donation to the packages, there will be a box in the narthex the weekends of March 13, 20 and 27, April 3 and 10. Drop offs can also be made during office hours of TWTh 9-3, MF 9-1. Healthy snacks, cute school supplies, popcorn, a note from the church, stress relievers like silly putty or stress balls, prayer cards, girl scout cookies, homemade cookies, trail mix, etc. pencils or pens or little notebooks, post-its etc. are fun to receive. Small denomination gift cards are also appreciated. Notes with well wishes would also be a blessing.
If you prefer to make a cash donation to assist with shipping, please drop in the office attention ”College Care Packages” or you may donate through www.trinitymp.org. (press the GIVE tab.) If you are sending something homemade, please plan for the April 10 drop off so it will be close to the shipping date. Any questions can be directed to Sylvia Hass or Pat/Kathie Kearns (contact the office for ways to reach them if needed). Thank you.
We also are asking for updated/new addresses for our students. Please let us know if you have any updates for our records! 847-439-0950.
Trinity Puppets Debut!
This Sunday, April 3 at 10:30 am!
Ministry Spotlights Shine in 2022
Congregational Care Team
We are excited to welcome Tom Weaver as our guest presenter in Sunday school on February 6th following the Children’s Message in worship. Tom has served in many leadership roles including music, children, and youth ministries. He will shine a spotlight on Trinity’s Congregational Care ministry. Children will have an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about what it means to belong to a church community.
Ministry Spotlight Goals
- Make connections between Bible stories about Jesus’ ministry and Trinity’s ministries in the world today.
- Establish and nurture relationships between children and unrelated adults in the Trinity community.
- Encourage young people to wonder how they might be called to ministry and discipleship.
- Further strengthen and develop our church ministries with youth and children.