We will gather in Trinity Hall on Thursday, Sept. 12 at 11:30 a.m..we meet the 2nd Thursday of each month, beginning in September through May.
Bring your own lunch…coffee, water and lemonade will be provided. If you would like to bring some dessert to share, that would be fine.
Please sign up that you plan on coming on the “Sign Up Sheet” on the table in the Narthex.
Our hostesses for September will be Kathy Isaacks and Kathy Moulds. All are welcome for fun and events. NO AGE RESTRICTIONS!
Any questions, call Judy Scheuerman @ 847-299-5369
P.S. Invite a friend!
Listening Tours are Beginning for Families
Hello Trinity,
Many have asked, and we have listened! We have dates available for you to attend a listening session with Pastor Sam. Some of our very own at Trinity are opening the doors to their homes and are inviting YOU to spend some time talking about the future of Trinity with Pastor Sam.
The following dates and times are currently available:
- Monday, 9/23, at 7 pm in Trinity Hall.
- Sunday 9/29, right after service in Trinity Hall.
A day before the session, an email will be sent with the host’s address.
Sign-up sheets are located in the Narthex for the sessions from the 8th onward.
A few more sessions may be added, so be on the lookout for those also. Remember, these sessions will help Pastor Sam learn about what makes Trinity so special and where we see Trinity in the next few years.
Thank you so much for helping us!
The Trinity Transition Welcome Team
Safe Sanctuary at Trinity
Safe Gatherings Online Training is required for all adults who interact with children/youth. We appreciate your time, effort and partnership in Trinity’s commitment to children and families. If the cost (about $39) is a financial hardship, please reach out to Holly Vosburgh for more information.
Congratulations to our Graduates
We are grateful for such a beautiful and full Sunday last week, as the Praise Band led us in worship, we recognized graduates, and more.