Save the date! UWIF invites you to “The Making of a Play” Saturday, October 22 at 1 PM in our sanctuay. This will be a presentation by Bobby Kennedy, Interim Artistic Director at Writer’s Theatre in Glencoe. All men and women of the church, and guests too, are welcome! Event will take place in the Sanctuary
Come Join Us at Trinity Treasures
Thursday, October 13 at 11:30 a.m.
Please sign up in the narthex. Bring your own lunch. Coffee, water and dessert will be provided.
SPECIAL GUEST PRESENTATION by Jim Miller, Mt. Prospect emergency management coordinator. ALL ARE WELCOME.
Questions…call Judy Scheuerman.
Faith Connection Hosts “GAYM NITE”
World Communion Sunday October 3
This Sunday we celebrate World Communion Sunday, a reminder of our interconnectedness across the globe, with other Christians. If you have a special bread to share from YOUR ethnic heritage, we hope you will bring it to place on the communion table on Sunday. It can be sweet, savory, or somewhere in between. Due to covid-safety, we won’t share it during communion, but we’ll move it to the coffee hour table for after worship. Signs will be provided so that you tell us about the bread you are offering, and its ethnic origin/significance.
If you are interested please sign up below: