What is an acolyte?
Acolyte means follower or helper. An acolyte in worship is a special kind of minister. At Trinity, s/he helps the congregation know when it is time to begin worship.
Who may serve as an acolyte?
People of all ages serve as acolytes. Children will need a parent’s permission. An adult or older student must escort very young children who carry a live flame.
What time does the acolyte arrive?
Acolytes check in with David Mitchell by 10:15 on Sunday morning. Find David at the Usher Station in the Narthex (church lobby.)
What does the acolyte do?
- check in at 10:15 a.m. on Sunday morning
- ask David Mitchell or an usher for assistance locating a riser to stand on while lighting the candles (if needed)
- ask for assistance finding the candle lighter/extinguisher.
David or an usher will help you find the candle lighter, check the wick length, know when it is time to walk down the center aisle, and how to light the candle. They will show you where to hang the candle lighter when finished.
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